Sunday, July 18, 2010

Account Administration

Learn how to administrate accounts in Linux; create users, groups, and manage passwords. Commands: useradd, usermod, groupadd, groupmod, passwd, chage.


Learn how to schedule process using batch, at, and finally crontab. Learn how to configure and manage crontab to automate your scheduled administrative tasks.

Ubuntu IP Address

Learn how to configure IP Address, gateway, DNS Server for Ubuntu Linux. Commands: ifconfig, route, /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/resolv.conf.

DHCP Server

Learn how to install, configure and implement DHCP Server in Ubuntu Linux, using random or fixed address distribution, and how to give gateway and DNS Server IP Address so clients can connect to internet.

FTP Server

Learn how to install, configure and apply FTP Server using VSFTPD. And understand how to configure anonymous FTP or regular user FTP, and chroot/jail FTP environment.

IP Address

Learn the basic concepts of IP Address, network class, network ID, netmask and broadcast. This knowledge is very vital and fundamental for system and network administrator.

NFS Server

Learn how to install, configure and implement NFS Server for sharing files between Linux machines. Commands: showmount, mount, /etc/fstab, /etc/exports.

Linux Routing

Learn how to setup Linux as a static router, integrating two or more local area network (LAN). Commands: ifconfig, route, /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward.


Learn how to use super fast copy files utility using rsync. Even how to combine rsync and ssh for remote backup and mirroring tools.

Samba Server

Learn how to install, configure and implement Samba Server. Commands: mount, smbclient, /etc/samba/smb.conf.

Service Administration

Learn how to administrate services in Ubuntu Linux, such as how to start or stop services temporarily or permanently. Also how to check active ports and services, and how to know who connects to those ports. Commands: nmap, netstat.

SSH Server

Learn how to install, configure, and activate SSH Server using Openssh-server. And you will also learn how to use other SSH features, such as remote execution, secure copy (SCP), and secure FTP (SFTP). Commands: ssh, scp, sftp, /etc/ssh/sshd_config.


You will learn how to calculate and apply subnetting. This is important when the standard allocation of IP Address is not sufficient. So you have to expand it by creating sub networks.


You will learn the basic concepts of networking and how to build a computer networks using Linux. And the most important you will able how to maintain, diagnose and troubleshoot a computer networks. All of this can be achieved by understanding TCP/IP concept.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Package Management

You will learn how to manage, install, uninstall, upgrade or remove packages or software, using offline or online package management tools. Commands: dpkg, apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, apt-cache, apt-cdrom.

Redirection and Pipeline

You will learn the basic concept of redirection and pipeline. How to redirect standard input, output and error. Also how to assemble command using filters and pipelines for specific purposes. Commands: more, paste, less, split, grep, sort, head, tr, tail, wc, cut, pr.

Linux Partitions

You will learn how to create partitions, format partitions with certain file systems, and finally mount partitions. Also how to check partitions from errors and how to fix them.

Access Permissions

You will learn the basic concept of access permission, and how to change and manipulate them. Commands: chmod, chown, chgrp, umask.

Process Management

You will learn how to manage processes such as monitoring processes, terminating processes, and managing foreground or background processes. Also how to find information about hardware CPU and memory usage. Commands: ps, top, pstree, kill, fg, bg, /proc/cpuinfo, /proc/meminfo, free.
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