Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Integrasi Captive Portal, Radius Server dan Billing Hotspot

Captive Portal Using Chillispot

IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standard

Chap 14

Wireless LAN Technology

Chap 13

Coding and Error Control

Chap 8

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Spread Spectrum

Signal Encoding Techniques

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Antennas and Propagation

Protocols and the TCP/IP Suite

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Communication Networks

Transmission Fundamentals

Di bawah ini adalah salah satu contoh simulasi yang dapat digunakan untuk lebih memahami konsep-konsep dasar gelombang:

Flash Interactive - Pistons and the Period of a Sine Curve (from www.intmath.com)

Here's another interactive that you can use to explore the concept of period and frequency. The frequency = 1/period. We'll see more on this below.

The piston engine is the most commonly used engine in the world. Its motion can be described using a sine curve.

Things to Do
  1. Click "Start" and you will see a sine curve traced out as the piston goes up and down.
  2. Now, change the value of b using the slider. If you increase b, the period for each cycle will go down and the frequency will increase. Click "Start" again to see the effect of your change.
  3. Observe the number of cycles that you see between t = 0 and t = 2π. For b = 1 you see one cycle, for b = 2, you see 2 cycles, and so on. If b < 1, you do not see any complete cycles.
The units along the horizontal (time) axis are in radians. So 3.14 = π radians and 6.28 = 2π radians.

Di bawah ini contoh animasi menarik yang menjelaskan Time-division multiplexing (TDM):



Di bawah ini adalah slides pengantar kuliah Jaringan Nirkabel; meliputi sejarah, sistematika bab, dan ruang lingkup pembahasan. Penting untuk memberikan gambaran awal dan global tentang kuliah ini. Mohon dibaca juga aturan main dan petunjuk di bawah:

Adapun aturan kuliah kita adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Setiap kelompok memiliki tugas untuk menerjemahkan dan menjelaskan slides yang ada dengan bahasa yang lugas dan mudah difahami. Serta disertai dengan praktek, simulasi, atau pembuatan prototype (tidak hanya teori).
  2. Setiap mahasiswa wajib terlibat dalam diskusi online melalui blog comments. Saya kadang kala akan memantik diskusi dengan beberapa pertanyaan/pernyataan. Tapi lebih bagus lagi kalau topik dari Anda sendiri. Waktu diskusi adalah seminggu sebelum sebuah topik/bab dipresentasikan. Setelah itu comments akan ditutup. Jangan lupa dengan nama asli (depan atau belakang), jangan nama alias karena tidak sesuai absensi.
  3. Setiap mahasiswa wajib terlibat dalam diskusi offline ketika presentasi kelompok di kelas.
  4. Have fun and enjoy!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Access Permissions Quiz

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hosting Service

You will learn various hosting services like shared, dedicated and VPS (virtual private server). Also understand their differences, features and security issues.

Nat Firewall

Understand the basic concepts of NAT (network address translation) using Iptables firewall. And learn how to implement NAT rules for various application, such as internet connection sharing and Transparent Proxy.

Proxy Server

Learn how to configure and setup Squid Proxy Server. And understand how to implement ACL (access control list) to filter web sites and manage proxy connections.

Web Server

Learn how to configure and setup Apache Web Server, including virtual web sites and basic http authentications.

Web Mail

Learn how to configure and setup Web Mail using Squirrel Mail.

Linux Shell

Compression and Extraction

Learn how to compress and extract data using Linux command line interfaces. You will learn various compression format such as: zip, gz, bz2, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tgz, tbz2. Commands: zip, unzip, gzip, gunzip, bzip2, bunzip2, tar.

DNS Server Quiz

Linux Partitions Quiz

File Management Quiz

Bandwidth Monitoring

Learn how to monitor bandwidth usage in real time mode or graph it and display in web browser. Commands: bmon, bwm, bwm-ng, vnstat.

DNS Server

Learn how to install, configure and implement DNS Server using Bind9. Including primary, secondary, and virtual DNS Server. Also learn DNS Server interrogation techniques. Files: /etc/bind/named.local, /etc/bind/named.options, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/bind/zones/.

Dovecot Server

Learn how to install and configure IMAP, POP3, IMAPS and POP3S Server using Dovecot. Including how to configure Mail Client to access those services. Files: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf.

Mail Server

Learn how to install, configure and build Mail Servers using Exim MTA. Including how to define Mail Servers in DNS configurations. File: /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf.

Iptables Filter Firewall

Understand the basic concepts of filter Firewall using Iptables. And learn how to implement firewall rules using command lines and scripts.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Account Administration

Learn how to administrate accounts in Linux; create users, groups, and manage passwords. Commands: useradd, usermod, groupadd, groupmod, passwd, chage.


Learn how to schedule process using batch, at, and finally crontab. Learn how to configure and manage crontab to automate your scheduled administrative tasks.

Ubuntu IP Address

Learn how to configure IP Address, gateway, DNS Server for Ubuntu Linux. Commands: ifconfig, route, /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/resolv.conf.

DHCP Server

Learn how to install, configure and implement DHCP Server in Ubuntu Linux, using random or fixed address distribution, and how to give gateway and DNS Server IP Address so clients can connect to internet.

FTP Server

Learn how to install, configure and apply FTP Server using VSFTPD. And understand how to configure anonymous FTP or regular user FTP, and chroot/jail FTP environment.

IP Address

Learn the basic concepts of IP Address, network class, network ID, netmask and broadcast. This knowledge is very vital and fundamental for system and network administrator.

NFS Server

Learn how to install, configure and implement NFS Server for sharing files between Linux machines. Commands: showmount, mount, /etc/fstab, /etc/exports.

Linux Routing

Learn how to setup Linux as a static router, integrating two or more local area network (LAN). Commands: ifconfig, route, /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward.


Learn how to use super fast copy files utility using rsync. Even how to combine rsync and ssh for remote backup and mirroring tools.

Samba Server

Learn how to install, configure and implement Samba Server. Commands: mount, smbclient, /etc/samba/smb.conf.

Service Administration

Learn how to administrate services in Ubuntu Linux, such as how to start or stop services temporarily or permanently. Also how to check active ports and services, and how to know who connects to those ports. Commands: nmap, netstat.

SSH Server

Learn how to install, configure, and activate SSH Server using Openssh-server. And you will also learn how to use other SSH features, such as remote execution, secure copy (SCP), and secure FTP (SFTP). Commands: ssh, scp, sftp, /etc/ssh/sshd_config.


You will learn how to calculate and apply subnetting. This is important when the standard allocation of IP Address is not sufficient. So you have to expand it by creating sub networks.


You will learn the basic concepts of networking and how to build a computer networks using Linux. And the most important you will able how to maintain, diagnose and troubleshoot a computer networks. All of this can be achieved by understanding TCP/IP concept.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Package Management

You will learn how to manage, install, uninstall, upgrade or remove packages or software, using offline or online package management tools. Commands: dpkg, apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, apt-cache, apt-cdrom.

Redirection and Pipeline

You will learn the basic concept of redirection and pipeline. How to redirect standard input, output and error. Also how to assemble command using filters and pipelines for specific purposes. Commands: more, paste, less, split, grep, sort, head, tr, tail, wc, cut, pr.

Linux Partitions

You will learn how to create partitions, format partitions with certain file systems, and finally mount partitions. Also how to check partitions from errors and how to fix them.

Access Permissions

You will learn the basic concept of access permission, and how to change and manipulate them. Commands: chmod, chown, chgrp, umask.

Process Management

You will learn how to manage processes such as monitoring processes, terminating processes, and managing foreground or background processes. Also how to find information about hardware CPU and memory usage. Commands: ps, top, pstree, kill, fg, bg, /proc/cpuinfo, /proc/meminfo, free.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

File Management

You will learn basic file and directory commands, like creating, navigating, copying, deleting, moving, making static/symbolic links, and finding files or directories. Also understanding file and directory attributes. Commands: pwd, ls, cd, mkdir, touch, cat, cp, mv, rmdir, rm, ln, vi, locate, find.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Linux Partitions Management

You will learn how to create partitions using fdisk, format partitions using mke2fs or mkfs commands, and finally mount partitions using mount command, or mount automatically using /etc/fstab. Also you will learn how to check file system from errors and how to repair them, using fsck command.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Linux User Interface

You will learn how to navigate between graphical user interface (GUI) and text user interface (TUI). And how to setup default runlevel (GUI or TUI) for the start up.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ubuntu Linux Installation

You will learn how to install Ubuntu Linux step by step. But first you should have prior knowledge about basic partitions concept in Linux. The installation steps are: choosing Live CD or install in hard disk, language, keyboard and time zone selection, and the most crucial step is creating hard disk partitions, especially if you want to keep your existing Windows running normally.
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